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CMGUI 2.2.2 (Jul 27, 2006)

We are well overdue for making a public release.

For additional information about this project, please visit the overview page .

Available downloads

cmgui source

For all platforms (3.6MB)

Linux executable

For Linux (7.5MB)

IRIX executable

For IRIX (6.2MB)

PPC Mac executable

For Mac OS X (6.0MB)

PPC AIX executable

For AIX (4.5MB)

IRIX 64bit executable

For IRIX (6.2MB)

Release Notes

State Final release
License MPL
Release Manager Shane Blackett
# **************************************************************************
# LAST MODIFIED : 27 July 2006
# ==========================================================================

This software is the cmgui part of CMISS.
It is released under the Mozilla Public License v1.1

Further information, help pages, a tracker and a wiki is available at

The sourceforge project is at

Change log

# **************************************************************************
# LAST MODIFIED : 18 July 2006
# ==========================================================================

This software is the cmgui part of CMISS.
It is released under the Mozilla Public License v1.1

Further information, help pages, a tracker and a wiki is available at

Support the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two and delay the
expansion of textures that are not power of two till render time so it can be
avoided when not required.
Add support for conversion of lines (isolines) to node points in "gfx convert graphics".
Fix for reading in of wavefront obj files.

Added node_offset/data_offset to gfx read nodes and data respectively.
Added node_offset, element_offset, face_offset and line offset to gfx read elements.
Added generate_faces_and_lines to gfx read elements.
Calculate winding order left or right handed at element centres for isosurfaces.
Added string_constant computed field.
Change equal_to computed_field so that it can operate on string values if either
field is defined but does not have numerical components.
Use CMISS_EXAMPLES environment variable to determine where the example tree is
rather than the Cmgui motif/X setting file.
Removed computed variables by default.  To put it back in change USE_COMPUTED_VARIABLES to true in the makefile or by specifying it on the make command line.
Added new texture wrap modes edge_clamp_wrap, border_clamp_wrap and
mirrored_repeat_wrap from recent versions of OpenGL.
Fixed problems with methods not being fully set correctly for some computed fields.
Changes to support streamlines in tetrahedral meshes.
Changes to support isosurface generation in tetrahedral meshes.
Added code so that triangles for isosurfaces are generated with a consistent winding
order even in meshes which have inconsistent lefthanded and righthanded coordinate systems.
Fixed to grid point evaluation.
Allowing streamlines to be seeded from the nodes in a region.
Large speed improvements for "gfx select nodes" and "gfx select elements".
Get regions to cache get_next_element_id so that it can be kept over multiple commands.
Image resampling improvements.
Started 'gfx export cm'
Reenabled automatic monochrome storage of images.
Added a weighting field to "gfx create snake".
Added a few more logical operators for less_than, greater_than and equal_to in computed fields.
Fix comfile script: cmgui-2.1/
Added support for fitting multiple fields with "gfx create snake"
Began "gfx export cm" to write files for the old cm.
Added gfx convert elements (and changed the old gfx convert to be gfx convert graphics) which converts one form of elements to another. The only conversion I have implemented so far is the conversion of any 2D element surfaces to true toplevel 2D bicubic hermite elements. The cross-derivatives are not correct and need to think about how to fix this.
Fixed gfx unselect data.
Fixed contour bands on iso_surfaces.
Fixed code for allocation of large arrays to use long ints where necessary.
Added code so that node changes propogate through a nodal_lookup computed field to a computed_field change.
Fixed a couple of bugs in cmgui with the scene editor and an iso_values list.
Many minor fixes of leaks or use of uninitialised values as detected by the new valgrind testing.
Added glyph functionality to create graph axes
Added first pass at iso_surface_decimation.
Added a new coordinate system where objects are displayed relative to screen coordinates.
First open source release.  License updated to Mozilla Public License.
Lots of tidying up.