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News Items

News items. Published news items will be presented by the Smart Folder, News, regardless of where they are eg could be in members home directory. It would be good practice to put them here rather than just anywhere though.
New Website Goes Live
CMISS website is now using the Plone on Zope content management framework.
cmgui source released on sourceforge
The 2.0.0 release of cmgui has been released and sourcecode uploaded to sourceforge.
cmgui version 2.0.1 released
I have uploaded to sourceforge remaining components for building cmgui executables and some binary executables.
Site Upgrades has been migrated to Zope 2.7.7 and plone2.1.1
New Features
Several new features have been added to the site.
Trackers Upgraded
The tracker, PloneCollectorNG, has been upgraded.
New Servers has been shifted to a new server