automatic CVS update
CMISS has a feature where commits to the CVS are automatically checked out into the Cmiss account. This only happens for certain projects in the CMISS cvs. To change this list check out CVSROOT/scripts/ and look for the $update_image_re variable.
When committing to the CVSROOT part of the CMISS cvs you get some errors. This is because the privileges on this directory require a normal user not to be able to change the passwd file. This imposes some restrictions on the directory in general where only the owner of a file can remove it. Therefore anyone can commit to the subdirectories and the update works (despite these errors) but only cmiss can commit to the CVSROOT directory itself and root must own and change the passwd file. The error are like this:
Message: Parser Error: 'cvs commit: cannot remove .#modules: Operation not permitted' Message: Parser Error: 'cvs commit: cannot rename modules to .#modules: Operation not permitted'