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Run the cm-debug-clear-malloc test

When an example is tested, one or more scripts take care of starting all the different tests for various operating systems that are specified in the versions file. The versions file can be found in the control directory of the example, along with several test scripts which in turn call the main test scripts.

One of the tests often listed in a versions file is the cm-debug-clear-malloc test. Whereas most tests correspond to a simple execution of the executable that has that name, there is no executable called cm-debug-clear-malloc.

Instead this test uses the standard cm debug executable for the relevant operating system and the script parses the clear-malloc flag and takes care of clearing the memory allocation. To run a single example using the clear-malloc option use the following syntax:

perl $CMISS_EXAMPLES/common/cmiss_type1/ -e 2/21/21m -x  $CMISS_ROOT/cm/dso/mips-n32-irix-debug/cm  -l malloc_test.log --clear-malloc