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This page is a table of contents for a "to be written" CMISS Manual. This provides a place to put structured navigation to all the small pieces of information that people contribute.

I have started off by copying the top level of the example tree, but that is possibly not the best structure.


  • Installing precompiled executables

  • Installing from source


    Cmgui from source

Defining Geometry

    1. Defining a finite element or boundary element mesh
    1. Fitting data with finite element nodal parameters

Solving Problems

    1. Solving a partial differential equation
    1. Solving a linear elasticity problem
    1. Solving a finite elasticity problem
    1. Using XVG
    1. Parameter estimation


    1. Heart modelling
    1. Lung modelling
    1. Using front end graphics
    1. Cardiac Electro-mechanics Modelling
    1. EEG modelling
  • cellml. CellML Models
    1. Musculo-Skeletal Modelling
    1. Torso modelling
    1. Anatomical Models
    1. Cellular Modelling
    1. Modelling of Human Circulatory System
    1. Intestinal and Stomach Modelling
    1. Optimised CMISS test