This page is a table of contents for a "to be written" CMISS Manual. This provides a place to put structured navigation to all the small pieces of information that people contribute.
I have started off by copying the top level of the example tree, but that is possibly not the best structure.
Installing precompiled executables
Installing from source
Cmgui from source
Defining Geometry
- Defining a finite element or boundary element mesh
- Fitting data with finite element nodal parameters
Solving Problems
- Solving a partial differential equation
- Solving a linear elasticity problem
- Solving a finite elasticity problem
- Using XVG
- Parameter estimation
- Heart modelling
- Lung modelling
- Using front end graphics
- Cardiac Electro-mechanics Modelling
- EEG modelling
- cellml. CellML Models
- Musculo-Skeletal Modelling
- Torso modelling
- Anatomical Models
- Cellular Modelling
- Modelling of Human Circulatory System
- Intestinal and Stomach Modelling
- Optimised CMISS test