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Testing your new version of cmiss before submitting

  1. If a copy of the examples is not visible on your system, then download all of examples (or all pertinent to your changes) into your home directory.

  2. Set the value of the CMISS_EXAMPLES environment variable to the directory at the root of the examples. e.g. $CMISS_ROOT/examples.

  3. Execute:

    $CMISS_EXAMPLES/common/cmiss_type1/ -p cm -x ~/home/mycmiss/cm/bin/i686-linux/cm-debug
  4. To generate a summary,


$CMISS_EXAMPLES/common/cmiss_type1/ -e b/b2/b21/b212/b2121 -o ~/home/mycmiss/cmiss_output ~/home/mycmiss/examples_out_cmiss.out
  • Note that directory after -o is where you generated output previously, and remember to include cmiss_output directory.