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Cm New User Notes

Note: Paths apply to the Bioengineering Institute file system.

Home Directory for CMISS code:

  • /hpc/cmiss
    • Main repository for lots of stuff related to CMISS, in particular, you'll find cmgui and cm in this directory.

Important Sub-directories:

  • /hpc/cmiss/cm/source
    • Contains all fortran files and include files that together constitutes back-end part of CMISS (called cm).
  • /hpc/cmiss/examples
    • Contains the examples which are best seen online.

Environment Variables:

To set up your environment to work with CMISS at the Bioengineering Institute there are three environment variables that should be configured so that CMISS executes correctly.

  • CMISS_ROOT /hpc/cmiss
  • PATH Include the $CMISS_ROOT/bin/ directory for your operating system and the general one.

A script to do just this is available here:

for tcsh or csh add sourcing of /hpc/cmiss/bin/user.csh into your .cshrc in your home directory,

for ksh or bash add sourcing of /hpc/cmiss/bin/ into your .profile in your home directory.

CMISS Website:

CMISS Examples Website:

A Strategy for Getting Started:

  • From CMISS website, go to frontpage for all of your beginner questions. (Very Useful!)

  • On this web page click on editingcmsource in order to download all or part of cm. To get your hands dirty, follow directions under _Initial Setup_ and _Local cm_. Go no further than _Debugging_ for now.

    • Must be added to cmiss group before you can download the code. To check, type 'groups' in linux terminal.

    • Replace the command

      'cvs checkout cm/Makefile cm/make cm/source/fe11.f cm/source/fe20.f'


      'cvs checkout cm/Makefile cm/make cm/source/fe11 cm/source/fe20'

      or the split up command appropriately.

  • Once you have the code you can type 'gmake' in the cm/ directory and this will create an executable. The executable will be located in bin/i686-linux/ as cm-debug.

  • Now you are ready to run some examples so got to "CMISS Examples":

  • Make sure your environment is set for CMISS_EXAMPLES by typing 'echo $CMISS_EXAMPLES' in your terminal. If not set, then in linux type 'setenv CMISS_EXAMPLES /product/cmiss/examples'.

  • Then go _Defining a finite element of boundary element mesh-> Creating simple 2D meshes->Defining a simple 2D FEM mesh_ and look at this example.

  • Run this example inside of 'cm/bin/i686-linux' by issuing the command './cm-debug -example 111'. Note that all examples are run in the same fashion by typing './cm-debug -example xxxx'.

  • Go through the long list of examples in the same way as described above.

General Beginner's Advice:

  • Go to "cm Lookup Frontend": and search for solve and see what you get. Note that there exists a button to view the routines. You can also use this if you are unsure of any parameters or variables.

  • One of the key input files is the parameter file. To see an example, from the 'CMISS Examples' website go 'Cardiac Electro-mechanics modeling-> Coupled electromechanics-> Coupled bidomain-mechanics example' and look at the emech.ippara file that is linked to at the bottom. Understanding these parameter is essential to run 3D problems.

    Note: You can search for these parameters with 'cm source viewer' found on the frontpage webpage.

  • To define a parameter file for a problem, you run 'cm' and then type 'fem define para;p;ex-file' and then fill in the appropriate numbers.

  • It appears that creating a parameter file is a bit of voodoo plus experience. There is currently no way to run setup, however there exists the use of 'minimal' which I have yet to understand.

  • To see an example (with some comments) of an ippara file for a Bidomain problem go to "Bidomain Example": .

Advice on Creating/Understanding Dot-Com Files:

  • A 'dot-ippara' file is not necessary for small simple problems.
  • There are two ways to define the finite element mesh depending on whether the mesh is relatively structured or not. (This all takes place after defining your 'dot-ippara' file.) If you want a structured mesh then you must set 'dot-ipbase' and 'dot-ipmesh'. However, if you desire a less structured mesh, then you must set in sequence a 'dot-ipnode', 'dot-ipbase', and 'dot-ipelem'.