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Check cellml material parameters

After the problem is set up and the ipmatc file is loaded:

fem def mate;r;svk_ti_sfl_variable cell class 2

Get the indices in RCQS of the material parameter variables:

#$v1 will be RCQS
#$index1 will be the index of variable named "lambda"
fem inquire cell_variable lambda return_variables v1,index1
fem inquire cell_variable mu return_variables v1,index2
fem inquire cell_variable ass return_variables v1,index3

Transfer the data to yqs so that they can be exported:

#copy these into yqs for viewing
fem update grid yqs 1 from_rcqs index $index1
fem update grid yqs 2 from_rcqs index $index2
fem update grid yqs 3 from_rcqs index $index3

fem li grid;junk_mat_params yqs