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compiling a local version of cmiss on a ia64 machine with MKL library's

cvs out the relevant cm directories

ideally you use the ifort compilers read Karls page on compiling on xeon machines for morer detail on using the ifort compiler compile utilities bin2base64 (do this OPT and debug from the beginning) compile perl_interpreter compile sqp compile lsoda compile lsolver using: gmake OPT= MP= MKLPATH=/opt/intel/mkl/9.1/lib/64 BUILDING_LAPACK=flase BUILDING_BLAS=flase compile cm gmake OPT= MP= MKLPATH=/opt/intel/mkl/9.1/lib/64


If you do not know where the libs are type find / -name libmkl_lapack.a

ORAC have moved location of files to: /home/system/software/orac/intelmkl-9.1.018/lib/64/

when using MKL libs you will need to make the following modifications to the cm make file: remove references to g2c when using ifort

< DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES = dl crypt pthread g2c --- > DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES = dl crypt pthread




remove the line continuation

< $(patsubst %,$(MKL_ARCHIVE_DIR)/lib%.a, $(MKL_LIBRARIES)) --- > $(patsubst %,$(MKL_ARCHIVE_DIR)/lib%.a, $(MKL_LIBRARIES))

for the Make file in lsoda

add ia64 to

ifeq ($(MACHNAME),x86_64)

# Intel compilers # Use Intel compilers if available # (icc -V sends output to STDERR and exits with error). ifneq (,$(shell icc -V 2>&1 | grep -i intel))

CC = icc

endif ifneq (,$(shell ifort -V 2>&1 | grep -i intel))

FC = ifort FFLAGS += -fPIC


change to:

ifeq ($(MACHNAME),x86_64 ia64)

# Intel compilers # Use Intel compilers if available # (icc -V sends output to STDERR and exits with error). ifneq (,$(shell icc -V 2>&1 | grep -i intel))

CC = icc

endif ifneq (,$(shell ifort -V 2>&1 | grep -i intel))

FC = ifort FFLAGS += -fPIC


for the make file for sqp change:

# Intel compiler else ifeq ($(FC),efc)

# turn on warnings, # suppress messages about non-standard fortran (including REAL*8,
# Intel compiler else ifeq ($(FC),efc)
FC = ifort
# turn on warnings, # suppress messages about non-standard fortran (including REAL*8,

This should allow the you to compile

I have not compiled cellml as it is not set up for ifort and hence the cost of using cellml is to high. I have proffered to use cellml to generate fortran code and then copy this into user cell.

hopefully this will allow you to compile correctly.