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compiling a local version of cmiss on IA-32 using the Intel compilers

A reason you might want to use Intel's fortran compiler is that is has OpenMP support which will allow cm to use all of the processors on a multicore machine, which will speed it up. It probably produces faster code than g77 too.

I managed to get cm to build using it, but haven't got it to work yet. It gives an IO error when attempting to read input files.

Download the Intel Fortran and C++ compilers from "Intel's website": These are free for non-commercial use.

If you are using Ubuntu Linux then the installation of these is a little involved because the supplied installed script doesn't work but there are some instructions "here": .

The cm Makefile has some code for detecting if ifort and icc are installed and using them instead of the gcc compilers but on my machine this doesn't work, not sure why yet.

g2c and svml need to be added to DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES in the Linux section of the Makefile.

To force the build system to use the right compiler build using::
make FC=ifort CC=icc

Also the linear solvers, sqp and cellml need to built using the Intel compilers, using a similar command line. The object files are supposed to be compatible with gcc/g77 but they don't seem to be.