Exporting signals from cellML in cm to Unemap
When running cellML files unemap enables you to see a plot of different variables throughout the solve.
You need to match the number of signals that you export to the number of signals actually in your cellml.
So for the example cellml/fitzhugh_nagumo_1961 the number of variables is 5, this is written in the comfile in the lines:
fem open history;fhn write variables yqs niqslist 1..5 binary; fem evaluate electrode;fhn history fhn from grid yqs iy 1..5 binary;
and in the ipexpo file:
Enter the start electrode number for region 1 [1]: 1 Enter the stop electrode number for region 1 [1]: 5
To figure out how many variables are applicable for your CellML model you can count the variables that were assinged to the Y array and DERIVED array when they were read in:
Setting variable "Vm" to: "Y(1)" Setting variable "v" to: "Y(2)" Setting variable "IStimC" to: "DERIVED(1)" Setting variable "Iion" to: "DERIVED(2)" Setting variable "u" to: "DERIVED(3)" Setting variable "Cm" to: "PARAM(1)" Setting variable "Istim" to: "PARAM(3)" Setting variable "Vp" to: "PARAM(4)" Setting variable "Vr" to: "PARAM(5)" Setting variable "Vth" to: "PARAM(6)" Setting variable "b" to: "PARAM(7)" Setting variable "c1" to: "PARAM(8)" Setting variable "c2" to: "PARAM(9)" Setting variable "d" to: "PARAM(10)"
For the example cellml/fitzhugh_nagumo_1961, there is only one cell, so you can have all 5 varibles to be changed to the signal files:
fem evaluate electrode;fhn history fhn from grid yqs iy 1..5 binary;
- However, when you have a grid based cell models, you can only output one varible::
- fem evaluate electrode;fhn history fhn from grid yqs iy 1 binary;
When you have a model in a 3D space, in the ipexpo file, you need to chose torso for the rig type