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EngsciLab CMISS

Here are some notes on how CMISS is set up in the Engsci Lab:

  • we can log on to any machine in the lab using the usual cmiss account. The home directory for this account is '/usr/local/cmiss/' on these machines, but you'll notice that this is physically 'engsci-linux:/export/bmelab/cmiss' on the new 'engsci-linux' server (replacement for 'escl-linux')
  • 'cm' binaries have been copied into '~/cm/bin/i686-linux/'. Each binary name has the prefix 'YYYYMMDD-' (e.g. '20060221-cm'). Soft links are used to link 'cm' to the latest binary.
  • another soft link has been set up centrally (by root): '/usr/local/bin/cm' points to the soft link '~cmiss/cm/bin/i686-linux/cm' (which points to the latest binary as above). In this way, any user can type 'cm' from anywhere to run the latest binary (since /usr/local/bin/ is in the global search path).
  • 'cmgui' and 'unemap' binaries are stored in '~cmiss/cmgui/bin/i686-linux/' with the same naming convention as for 'cm' above. Similar soft links have also been set up.
  • the cmiss account in the Engsci Lab has been set up to use cvs via ssh to the cmiss repositories. Updates to examples and cmiss_perl can in future be made vis cvs updates.
  • Karl increased the cm version number to 2.1 and tagged a 'release' in Feb2006.
  • the cmiss 'examples' have been checked out into the home directory '/usr/local/cmiss/' using the command: 'cvs co -r release examples'
  • 'cmiss_perl' has also been checked out into the home directory: 'cvs co -r release cmiss_perl'
  • the CMISS (cm) Tutorials have been re-written to present and teach 'cm' and 'cmgui' as two separate programs, rather than as one combined package as taught previously (actually they hardly refer to cmgui, but still use gx windows for graphics - a job for another year, and/or someone else...).