Minutes 19 June 2006
Present: Shane, Karl, Travis, Poul.
An "audio recording":ftp://ftp.bioeng.auckland.ac.nz:/cmiss/opencmiss/meeting-2006-06-19.ogg is available.
MPI Test problem proposal and implementation
- Karl updated the suggested test problem:
- made the time step implicit as a linear solve is required for the non-diagonal mass-matrix anyway.
- changed the solution to make boundary conditions homogeneous.
- No feedback, so will go ahead with this problem.
- libmesh has example that is very close to what we want.
- Easy to change solver, preconditioner, tolerance, and probably maxiterations.
- One thing we would want to change is that matrix assembly is done at each time step.
- Another thing is the penalty method as discussed on OpenCMISS/libMesh Development Notes.
- Travis is happy with the method.
- Karl is not.
- but can get something going fairly quickly and improve after we have a base to improve on.
- Need to set up cm examples as well.
- cm has time-dependent heat equation.
- Could also possibly use "grid-based fem" monodomain model with a cell model that does nothing.
Libmesh and visualization
- Shane investigated visualization for libmesh.
- Where is solution information collated before writing out the solution?
- cmgui currently knows when a (some component of) field has changed and can automatically update aspects that depend on this.
- Integrating with libmesh might require an explicit function to update graphics from libmesh data. e.g. create isosurface from mesh and solution.
- GMV is a gui (executable only) available to display libmesh output.
- provides a debugger that has MPI support.
cmiss.org development
- job description for new position may be moving away from web development as Gareth may be looking after web stuff.
- Gareth (logged in as stevens) fixed the long-standing "Missing emails for this tracker" bug which meant no notification of new bugs.
- Shane: want to make a decision on a framework ASAP (last February).
- Shane away next week but keen to set up some criteria to make decisions on framework.
- Criteria
- execution speed
- language
- time to develop
- user community for support
- flexibility
SUR cluster
- meant to arrive in NZ on 30 June.
- We should buy a microphone for the meeting room.