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Minutes 24 April 2006

Present: Shane, Andre, Greg, Martyn, Karl, Poul.

An audio recording of the meeting can be "downloaded":

  • State of play

    • Where are we up to?

      Shane: We haven't done anything (although we've probably learned some things).

    • Can we make some timelines and milestones again?

      Shane: Would like to set time scales for achieving something.

      • Shane: Do we know enough to tell the new employee what to do?

        Fieldml meetings are happening separately. Not much to talk about in this meeting.

        Martyn: Development program (from wiki) is a good starting point.

        Shane: Can we refine that.

        Martyn/Greg: Prioritize solve in parallel (rather than assembly).

      • Greg: Is the problem that we want to get everything right before we start?

        Shane: It is important to do it right. But the first version is not our final product. What we do now should not hold us back from doing it right later.

      • Greg: Can Andre's fem through cmgui be rewritten with MPI.

        Karl: Another option is libmesh which appears provide a more comprehensive existing fem framework.

  • Resourcing

    • MPI job progress

      Being levelled when last heard.

Meeting finished 11:30.