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Minutes 1 May 2006

Present: Shane, Peter (until 11:30), Andre, Karl, Poul, Travis.

Apologies: Greg.

"An audio recording is available":

  • MPI job progress

    • Has now been made ready to be advertised (as soon as Peter put a word in).
  • Software Resources

    • Jon Pearce has used a few codes that could be useful.
    • Andre: Merryn's been using gmesh.
    • Peter: mpich-G2 is mpich extended by Globus Toolkit for grids.
    • Shane: If we choose an existing FEM framework it will come with a field

    framework and will likely not work well with our fieldml. How well we can implement the structures we want is something we need to consider.

    • Poul: interface between fieldml and existing framework could be used.
    • Shane was hoping that fieldml defined data structures.
    • Karl: should we exclude GPL as cannot distribute complete binaries without putting our source under GPL?
      • No objections.
      • Mention for now but don't spend too much time investigating, unless it looks like everything we need.
    • Peter: vpac in Melbourne have parallelization support libraries the might be useful.
    • Travis: are we looking at features or intending to use the software itself?
      • Shane: hoping to use software itself.
    • Travis: Next PetSc release is meant to provide more support for unstructured meshes.
    • Peter: Tinsley-Oden in University of Texas at Austin may have mentioned a computed-variables-like approach.
    • Travis: Metis can separate things into subdomains but doesn't tell you the neighbours.
  • Parallel machine arriving in 3 weeks (but will be sometime longer before its ready to be running):

    • 8 nodes of 2 processors.
    • 32 GB per node.
    • 2 TB SAN.
    • Infiniband.
    • 1.9 GHz POWER5.
  • Should we be in contact with Computer Science?

  • Travis: Can we have a goal for something to run when parallel system ready?

    • Karl: Do some evaluation of potential framework.
    • Poison equation as a start.
    • Simple mesh but represented in a general unstructured format.
    • Shane: should it look like a ventricle?
      • Karl/Travis: much easier to mesh generate a cube for example.

Meeting finished 11:44.